OKC teenager recognized as Oklahoma Youth of the Year!

OKC Teenager Recognized as Oklahoma Youth of the Year!

The award was given through the Boys and Girls Club to an impressive young man named Shylen, who has been going to the Memorial Park Boys and Girl Club for 12 years. The 18-year-old received a scholarship and a chance to win the National Youth of the Year award.

Next year, Shylen plans to attend the University of Oklahoma, where he said he is excited to learn more about health care. The teenager is all about leadership, saying he has learned a lot during his years at the Boys and Girls Club.

His platform is all about giving other young people the tools to learn confidence, something he said he used to lack.

“It’s not just about me. I view it more so about my community and uplifting others. Because I don’t view leadership as something individualistic. I view leadership as helping others mainly, and I’ve mainly done that during my whole route with the Boys and Girls Club,” Shylen said.
